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North America Lumber
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Softwood Lumber and Panel Market Weekly Report --
Mar 5, 2025

North American
Timber Market
Biweekly Report (16-28 Feb, 2025)
and more
Update Bi Weekly
Quarterly Price Report - North Carolina standing timber price
The price report provides state-wide, average standing timber
prices for pine, oak, and mixed hardwood sawn timber, pine
chip-n-saw, and pine and hardwood pulpwood.
New York State Stumpage Price Report
The Stumpage Price Report is published
semi-annually and reports the prices paid for standing timber
during the previous six months.
Hardwood and Softwood Saw Log Prices

From NortheastTimberExchange, LLC at Rockingham VT
Timber Price Reporting for Arkansas
More >>>

- Canada: Log Market Reports in BC,Canada --
Timber Pricing

Timber Pricing in B.C. involves setting stumpage rates,
measuring the timber and billing for stumpage and forecasting
forest revenue.
coast log market reports
History interior
log market reports
- Canada:
Madison's Canadian Lumber Report
-- Update weekly
Currently Key Prices from Madison's Canadian Lumber Reporter
- U.S.:
Current Logs Prices
U.S.:Framing Lumber Prices
-- Update weekly
Southwide timber price reporting service. Data available online, updated daily with actual
arms-length transactions; publications also available. Products covered include standing
and delivered timber and chips.
- U.S.:
Timber Mart
Pine Stumpage Price Trend
-- Update quarterly --
Hardwood Stumpage Price Trend
-- Update quarterly
Warnell School of Forest Resources Southwide standing and delivered timber price reporting service.
- U.S.:
Goldbeach OR, U.S. Regional Lumber Market Report --
Goldbeach OR Lumber Report
-- Update weekly
History Reports
Georgia-Pacific Price Reports
-- Latest report
Lumber Prices
for Irvin's Sawmill & Gallery of Wood -- Latest report
- Pulp & Paper Prices --
Update weekly
( Reports From FOEX Indexes Ltd.)
- U.S.:
TIMBER MART-SOUTH Market Prices Reports
Quarterly Report of the major timber
products in 11 Southeastern States- Alabama,North Carolina,Arkansas,South
Carolina,Florida,Tennessee, Georgia,Texas, Louisiana,Virginia, Mississippi. If you want to
get one aboving state timber prices report,
you can get it on anual
paid basis.
Current Pine &
Harwdood Stumpage Prices --
quarterly |
Historical & Current Lumber Prices Reports By States -- Update monthly or quarterly |
Please click following links to
find the timber prices infomation in some states of U.S.
Timber Price Reporting for Arkansas provides links to
summarized timber price information for Arkansas, neighboring
states, and the Southern region.
Stumpage Price Reports
The report is published quarterly (October, January, April, July) and
is based on data from the previous 12 months.
- California - Timber Yield Tax
and Harvest Values Schedules
The California State Board of Equalization publishes twice a year tables of stumpage value
for differnet regions, species, and log size. Adjustments are offered for logging system,
for particular counties, and for particularly small volume harvests.
- Southern New England Stumpage Price
Survey - Conn. and Mass.
This survey is a result of joint efforts of Cooperative Extension at the Universities of
Connecticut and Massachusetts, and the state forestry agencies in CT and MA. Median,
minimum and maximum prices are reported by species with separate statistics for east and
west of the Connecticut River. The combined results are duplicated on each of the two web
sites above, so if you do not find the most recent period on one of them, try the other.
- Florida - The Florida Forest
This quarterly newsletter to lanwowners and resource professionals has a section titled
"Timber Price Update" that gives ranges for pine chip-n-saw and plylogs, plus
softwood and hardwood pulpwood.
- Illinois:
Timber Prices
The Illinois Timber Prices newsletter is issued twice each year by the IL DOA -
Agricultural Statistics Service and the IL DNR - Division of Forest Resources. Stumpage
and F.O.B. prices are based on surveys of licensed timber buyers, and reported by species
group and product.
- Indiana: Forest
Products Prices and Trend Report, from Purdue Extension
The 2002 report is available online in PDF format from this page and reports prices based
on a mail survey of Indiana mills. Follow the link for FNR 177W and look for updated
reports on this page.
- Kentucky: Kentucky Dept. of
This survey by the Kentucky Division of Forestry produces seasonal reports describing
delivered log price ranges for four regions of the state by species group, product and
- Louisiana:
Quarterly Report of Timber Products
Published by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, this regular newsletter
reports prices for five areas of the state. Note that prices reflect total volume and
total value ratios paid from bid and negotiated sales, and do not represent inter or
intra-company transactions and long-term contracts. The report: (1) provides a guide for
private timber owners in determining stumpage prices regionally or stateside, (2)
establishes annual stumpage price figures for severance tax purposes, and (3) determines
the timber value for use-value assessment of forest land.
- Maryland: Maryland/Delaware
Stumpage Price Report
The stumpage price report is a cooperative effort between MD Cooperative Extension, MD
Dept. of Agriculture, MD Dept. of Natural Resources-Forest Service, DE Forest Service, and
MD Tree Farmers and Forest Landowners. It is consolidated and distributed three times per
year by the University of Maryland. The prices are collected from consulting and state
agency foresters in four price-reporting areas throughout MD and DE.
- Maine: Annual Stumpage Price
The Maine Department of Conservation publishes annual prices paid to landowners for a wide
variety of species and product classes, both statewide and broken out by county. At
present only the 2001 report is available online. See also the online version of the
Northern Woodlands Magazine.
- Mississippi: Timber Price Reporting in
The Mississippi Timber Price Report is a bimonthly survey of stumpage and delivered
timber prices in Mississippi. It is developed through the cooperation of public and
private members of the forestry sector with the Mississippi State University Extension
Service to provide an accurate picture of timber market activity. Prices are compiled for
four market regions across the state by polling cooperators from the forest industry,
public agencies, consulting foresters, and landowners. Prices for standing and delivered
logs are available for 8-9 product groupings extending extend back to spring of 1997.
- Missouri: Missouri Timber Price Trends
Produced by the Missouri
Department of Conservation, Forestry Division, this series of quarterly
reports tracks market prices for stumpage and delivered logs. Reports on the stumpage
market are received from Missouri Department of Conservation Resource Foresters and
private consulting foresters. Stumpage refers to timber sold on the stump and does not
reflect delivered mill prices. Reports on the log market give delivered log prices and are
compiled from reports submitted by sawmills and other wood processing plants. Prices are
reported for three regions and for various product and species groups, extending back to
- Montana: Quarterly Log Prices
Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Forest Service, Lolo National Forest, the Bureau of
Business and Economic Research in the University of Montana-Missoulas School of
Business Administration developed a system to provide current mill-delivered prices for
timber products in Montana. These prices are based on quarterly surveys of Montana timber
processing plants. Prices are reported quarterly by product type and species, spanning
1998 and 1999.
- Nebraska: Timber
This newsletter by the Nebraska Forest Service reports quarterly mill prices by species
and grade, in PDF format.
North Carolina Standing Timber Price Reports - Quarterly
The following North Carolina standing timber
price information is reported every quarter for North Carolina.
The price report provides state-wide, average standing timber
prices for pine, oak, and mixed hardwood sawtimber, pine
chip-n-saw, and pine and hardwood pulpwood.
- Ohio: Ohio Timber Prices
The Ohio Agricultural Statistics
Service reports delivered and stumpage sawlog prices for three regions of the state
and for various species groups. Data are only posted for Fall 2000 and Spring 2001, with a
notice that the report will not longer be updated.
- Oregon: Log Price Information
The Oregon Department of Forestry reports delivered log prices for various regions,
species and product groups. Price reports are available quarterly back to 1977.
- Pennsylvania: Timber
Market Report
The Pennsylvania Woodlands' Timber Market Report gives prices paid in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania for standing timber (stumpage) and for logs delivered to sawmills. Prices are
reported quarterly for each of four regions since 1992, with prices reported for hardwood
and softwood pulpwood and for sawtimber for a variety of species groups.
South Carolina Current Stumpage Timber Price Report
- Tennessee: Tennessee
Forest Products Bulletin
The Forestry Division of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture produces a quarterly
newsletter which includes delivered prices for various species groups in three regions of
the state. Thus far only the most current Bulletin is available online.
- Texas: Texas
Timber Price Trends
Texas Timber Price Trends is a bimonthly publication of the Texas Forest Service reporting
average prices paid for standing timber, commonly called the "stumpage price."
Average stumpage prices are calculated from actual timber sales as reported by more than
60 cooperators active in the East Texas timber market. Values are weighted by volume sold
to filter out the effect that size of sale has on price paid. Thus, the average price
reported is the average price paid per unit of wood, NOT per average timber sale. Price
series for five or more product categories are reported for two reporting regions from
eastern Texas and extending back to 1984.
- Vermont: Vermont Forest Quarterly Stumpage Survey
Get the most recent quarter's mill prices
from the Northern Woodlands Magazine web site or go to the source, the
more comprehensive University of
Vermont Extension web site. Low, medium and high prices for the most recent quarter
are reported for species groups and for three regions in each state. It is described as
the longest running, quarterly stumpage price reporting system in the country.
- Washington: Stumpage
Value Determination Tables
The State of Washington's Department of Revenue offers tables of stumpage prices by
species group, hauling distance and quality. New tables are produced twice a year with
historical prices available back to the early 1970's.
West Virginia Timber Market Report --
Quarterly Average Stumpage Price
- Wisconsin: Wisconsin Timber Stumpage Price Trends
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources annually estimates average stumpage rates in
twelve zones across Wisconsin from sales data collected by foresters. Data are reported in
three tables: The first table has average prices for trees that will be sawn into lumber
or sliced for veneer. The second table has average prices for pulpwood (measured in cords)
that is used for paper making and fuel. The third table has stumpage prices for trees sold
for specialty products such as posts, poles and Christmas trees.
- The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this page and
linked publications is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does
not constitute an official endorsement .