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Report from China
Decline in 2022 sawnwood imports
According to data from China’s Customs, 2022 sawnwood
imports totalled 26.66 million cubic metres valued at
US$7.53 billion, a year-on-year decreases of 8% in
volume and 4% in value on 2021. The average price for
imported sawnwood in 2022 was US$282 per cubic metre,
a year on year rise of 4%.
China's sawnwood imports fell in 2022 because of the
impact on manufacturing of the widespread lockdowns,
the supply chain disruptions brought on by the Russian
invasison of Ukraine and the global shipping disruptions.
Of total sawnwood imports sawn softwood imports fell
12% to 17.33 million cubic metres accounting for 65% of
the national total. The proportion of sawnwood imports
dropped about 3% year on year. The average price for
imported sawn softwood was US$234 per cubic metre, up
6% year on year.
Sawn hardwood imports rose 1% to 9.33 million cubic
metres valued at US$3.48 billion, a year on year increase
1% in volume but a decrease 1% in value in 2022. The
average price for imported sawn hardwoods was US$373
per cubic metre, a year-on-year decline of 2%.
Of total sawn hardwood imports, tropical sawn hardwood
imports were 6.35 million cubic metres valued at US$1.91
billion, a year-on-year increase of 6% in volume and 2%
in value and accounted for about 24% of the national total,
up 3% on 2021 levels. The average price for imported
tropical sawn hardwood was US$301 per cubic metre,
down 4% year on year.

Russia remains the largest supplier of
Russia remained the largest supplier of China’s sawnwood
imports in 2022 but imports from Russia fell 7% to 13.09
million cubic metres, accounting for 49% of the national
total. The proportion of China’s imports from Russia
remained the same level year on year.
China’s sawnwood imports from Canada and USA
decreased 20% and 14% respectively to 1.36 million cubic
metres and 1.13 million cubic metres in 2022. Other
suppliers of sawnwood imports in 2022 saw increased
business in many cases.

Jump in China’s sawnwood imports from Sweden
China’s sawnwood imports from Sweden surged 66% to
660,000 cubic metres in 2022. This was in contrast to
imports from Sweden falling 45% in 2020 and by 57% in
2021 due to the pandemic.
China’s sawnwood imports from Sweden began to rise in
2012 and jumped 136% to more than 1 million cubic
metres in 2019.
The reason for the increase in China’s sawnwood imports
from Sweden for many years is that the quality of the
sawnwood is are high and is suitable for manufacturing
furniture and construction.
Sharp drop in sawnwood imports from Ukraine
China’s sawnwood imports from Ukraine plummeted 80%
to 185,000 cubic metres in 2022. China’s sawnwood
imports from Ukraine had been increasing since 2013 and
reached more than 1 million in 2020 but fell to 2017 levels
in 2022.
Decline in Canada’s share of sawnwood imports
According to China Customs, Russia and Canada, the two
main source countries of China’s sawn softwood imports,
dropped 8% and 19% in volume respectively in 2022,
which was the main reason for the decrease in the total
sawnwood imports.
The volume of China’s sawn softwood imports from
Russia accounted for over 60% of the national total in
2022, up 3% on 2021 levels.
The market share of China’s sawn softwood imports from
Canada has declined significantly since 2014 and
continued to decline year on year (-7%) in 2022 In
contrast, most of the other suppliers, Finland, Sweden,
Belarus and Germany sawn softwood imports in 2022 rose
33%, 66%, 36% and 20% respectively.

Rise in sawn hardwood imports
Sawn hardwood imports rose 1% to 9.33 million cubic
metres valued at US$3.48 billion, a year on year increase
1% in volume but decrease 1% in value in 2022. Thailand,
Russia and USA still are the main sources for China’s
sawn hardwood imports in 2022 and accounted for 42%,
13% and 11% respectively accounting for 66% of the
national total in 2022.
China’s sawn hardwood imports from Thailand and Russia
rose 5% and 4.7% to 3.97 million cubic metres and 1.19
million cubic metres respectively. In contrast, China’s
sawn hardwood imports from USA declined 9% in 2022.

Thailand the largest supplier of sawn
hardwood imports
Thailand was the largest supplier of sawn tropical
hardwood to China in 2022. Sawn tropical hardwood
imports from Thailand totalled 3.966 million cubic metres
valued at US$990 million, a year on year increase of 5%
in volume but a drop 3% in value in 2022.
Thailand’s market share for sawn tropical hardwood
exports to China rose to 62% in 2022 amking Thailand the
number one supplier.
The Philippines and Gabon were the second and third
largest supplier of China’s sawn tropical hardwood
imports in 2022. Sawn tropical hardwood imports from the
Philippines and Gabon amounted to 654,000 cubic metres
and 603,000 cubic metre, a year on year increase of 1%
and 11% respectively in 2022. The top three countries
supplied 82% of China’s tropical sawn hardwood
requirements in 2022, namely Thailand (62%), Philippines
(10%) and Gabon (9.5%) in 2022.
The average price for imported tropical sawn hardwood
was US$301 per cubic metre, down 4% year on year. CIF
prices for most suppliers of China’s sawn tropical
hardwood imports fell in 2022.
The CIF prices for the top suppliers of China’s tropical
sawn hardwood imports, Thailand, Philippines and Gabon
declined 7%, 5% and 1% respectively in 2022.
