US Dollar Exchange Rates of
China Yuan 6.3177
Report from China
Decline in 2021 sawnwood imports
According to data from China¡¯s Customs 2021 sawnwood
imports totalled 28.84 million cubic metres valued at
US$7.86 billion, a year on year decrease of 16% in
volume but an increase of 3% in value on 2020.
Of total sawnwood imports, sawn softwood imports fell
23% to 19.60 million cubic metres accounting for 68% of
the national total. Sawn hardwood imports rose 4% to 9.24
million cubic metres in 2021. China¡¯s sawn hardwood
imports from the top sources; Thailand, Russia, the
Philippines, Romania and Germany rose 6%, 28%, 98%,
18% and 20% respectively in 2021.
Of total sawn hardwood imports tropical sawn hardwood
imports were 6 million cubic metres valued at US$1.88
billion, a year on year increase of 2% in volume but a drop
3% in value and accounted for about 21% of total imports,
up 2% on 2020.

Rise in average prices for sawnwood
The average price for imported sawnwood in 2021 was
US$272 per cubic metre, a year on year rise of 20%. The
average price for imported sawn softwood was US$221
per cubic metre, up 25% year on year. The average price
for imported sawn hardwoods was US$381 per cubic
metre, a year on year increase of 5%. The average price
for imported tropical sawn hardwood was US$314 per
cubic metre, up 2% year on year.

Surge in sawnwood imports from the
Russia was the main sawnwood supplier to China in 2021
but sawnwood imports from Russia fell 10% to 14.07
million cubic metres and accounted for 49% of the
national total.

The Philippines was a sawnwood supplier to China in
2021 and sawnwood imports surged 98% to 640,000 cubic
metres. In contrast, sawnwood imports from Thailand and
Brazil rose 6% and 30% to 3.77 million cubic metres and
540,000 million cubic metres respectively in 2021.
China¡¯s sawnwood imports from Canada, USA, Finland
and Germany declined 45%, 33%, 32% and 41%
respectively in 2021 which was the main reason for the
decline in the total China¡¯s sawnwood imports in 2021.
Rise in China¡¯s sawn softwood imports from Brazil and
New Zealand
According to Customs data sawnwood imports from
Russia and Canada, the two main source countries of
China¡¯s dropped 13% and 45% respectively in 2021. The
volume of sawn softwood imports from Russia accounted
for 66% of the national total in 2021 which has been the
case for 7 consecutive years. The market share of China¡¯s
sawn softwood imports from Canada has declined steadily
since 2014 and was just 8% of total imports in 2021.

Decline in sawn hardwood imports from USA
Thailand, Russia and USA still are the main sources for
China¡¯s sawn hardwood imports in 2021 accounting for
41%, 12.3% and 12.2% respectively in 2021.
China¡¯s sawn hardwood imports from Thailand and Russia
rose 6% and 28% to 3.77 million cubic metres and 1.14
million cubic metres respectively. However, sawn
hardwood imports from USA declined 13% in 2021.
In addition, China¡¯s sawn hardwood log imports from the
Philippines, Romania and Germany grew 98%, 18% and
20% respectively.

China¡¯s tropical sawn hardwood imports
China¡¯s tropical sawn hardwood imports in 2021 were 6
million cubic metres valued at US$1.88 billion, a year on
year increase of 2% in volume but drop 3% in value and
accounted for about 21% of the national total, up 2% on
2020 levels. Thailand still is the main source of tropical
sawn hardwood for China and 2021 tropical sawn
hardwood imports from Thailand totalled 3.773 million
cubic metres valued at US$1.017 billion, a year on year
increase of 6% in volume and 7% in value in 2021.
Thailand¡¯s share of tropical sawn hardwood imports by
China rose to 63% in 2021 from 54% in 2020. The
increase in China¡¯s tropical sawn hardwood imports from
Thailand contributed to the growth in total 2021 imports.
