Some downward pressure on prices
Producers report that, overall, prices are stable but they see
growing downward pressure on prices from European
importers. Producers in Cameroon have welcomed the
increased business with importers for the Chinese market
after a long quiet period.
Rumours that azobe importer faces a problem
There is news circulating in the Gabon trade that one of
the biggest azobe importers in the EU has been found to
have inadequate documents to satisfy the due diligence
requirements of the EUTR. This has not yet been reported
in either the trade press of the mass media in the EU so
cannot be verified.
Road washed out in Cameroon
Weather conditions in the region have deteriorated.
Insurance companies in the region have commented that
there has been a rise in claims over the past 2 years as a
result of flooding and other rain related damage.
Bad weather is now affecting harvesting and trucking and
in Cameroon the only road to the NW region has been
washed out stranding hundreds of trucks. This road is the
link between West and Central Africa because from
Bamenda there is access to Chad, Gabon, Equatorial
Guinea and the Central Africa Republic.
People of Gabon need to appreciate forest portential
says minister
Industrial action taken by staff at the Forest Department
continues and workers at the Bank of Central African
States held a ‘warning’ strike in March also demanding
payment of allowances.
At a recent Forum Gabon’s Minister of Forests said all
people in Gabon need to appreciate that the country’s
forest resources are valuable and worth managing
sustainably as this will generate jobs in the timber industry
within the country.
At the same Forum Lauri Hetemäki, Assistant Director of
the European Forestry Institute, pointed out that African
countries produced more wood and have four times the
forest area of the EU but forest product exports from the
EU are almost 20 times greater than from Africa (US$100
billion compared with US$ 6 billion, 2019).
Cameroon set to revive plantation fund
In Cameroon, Jules Doret Ndongo, Minister of Forestry
and Wildlife, has indicated consideration is being given to
reviving the 1996 Special Forestry Development and
Wildlife Fund. This fund was created to provide the means
to finance forest plantation development, implement
protected area management plans and address poaching
and wildlife crime.
The Minister commented there are around 14 million
hectares of exploitable forests in the country and most are
covered by management plans.

Firm demand for billets
Ghana’s exports of wood and wood products in January
2021 increased in volume to 19,191 cu.m, an almost 5%
increase from the 18,318 cu.m exported in January 2020.
These exports earned the country Eur10.29 million, a 12%
year on year rise according to data from the Timber
Industry Development Division (TIDD) of the Forestry
Commission (FC).

Exports of billets in January totalled 4,040 cu.m and
represented about 20% of total export volumes but,
compared to shipments in December, there was a steep
drop. In terms of value billets contributed Eur1.69 million
to earnings in January 2021 against Eur 0.46 million in
January 2020.
Processed wood products included sawnwood, boules,
veneers and plywood and together contributed Eur8.04
million to earnings in January 2021 compared to Eur 8.26
million in January 2020.
Air and kiln dried sawnwood together accounted for 63%
of processed product export volumes. Compared with
2020, export volumes of these products dropped year on

The TIDD report indicated the average unit prices for air
and kiln dried sawnwood rose year on year from Eur
444/cu.m to Eur 487/cu.m and Eur 817/cu.m to Eur
952/cu.m respectively in 2021 largely due to firm demand
in India and the United Arab Emirates.
The leading species exported in January were teak 11,584
cu.m (60%), wawa 1,984 cu.m (10%), ceiba 1,214cu.m
(6%), mahogany 637cu.m (3%) and denya 508cu.m
The main markets were India (61%), Germany (4%),
Belgium (4%), USA (3.5%) and Burkina Faso (3%).
Ghana’s 2021 Budget approved by Parliament
The 2021 budget and economic policy have been approved
and some changes in taxes and levies are included. One
item catching the eye of the private sector is a 5% tax on
bank profits. The private sector has called on banks not to
pass on this burden to manufacturers. Deloitte Ghana has
warned of the risk to inflation and to the cost of doing
business following government’s tax measures in 2021
Fall in commodity prices hits export revenue
The Bank of Ghana ‘Summary of Macroeconomic and
Financial Data’ ending February 2021 showed that the
value of exports declined to US$2.5 billion in February
2021 from about US$2.8 billion during the same period in
2020. Exports have been hit hard by the pandemic. The
decline was largely due to lower prices for commodities
including timber. Export contract prices for Ghana’s wood
and wood products exports have to be approved by the
Tema Port exceeds 2020 target
Tema Port has reported an almost 6% increase in cargo
and container traffic target despite disruptions to global
trade by the pandemic and disruption of domestic business
due to lockdowns. Container traffic increased to 837,919
tonnes in 2020 from a target of 685,735 tonnes.
Wood and wood product companies in the central and
northern parts of the country ship products in containers
through Tema Port. Ghana has seaports in Takoradi and
Tema and both are managed by the Ghana Ports and
Harbours Authourity. Currently both ports are being
improved in order to accommodate deeper drafted vessels.
FDI target US$3 billion for 2021
The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) aims to
attract US$3 billion in FDI inflows in 2021 after an
impressive performance in 2020. Many countries reported
a decline in FDI in 2020 but Ghana saw an increase with
inflows more than doubling from US$1.1 billion in 2019
to US$2.65 billion in 2020. In 2020 the manufacturing
sector recorded the largest FDI at US$1.27 billion for 57
The leading sources of inward investments included those
from China, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia
and the Netherlands.

Covid update
A national exercise to register people for vaccination
against Covid 19 is underway but not progressing as fast
as health authorities had planned. The first phase of
administering the vaccines to front line workers will be
completed soon and mass vaccinations should start in
April targeting 9.4 million senior citizens and people in
high risk groups.
From May this year until February 2022 vaccines will be
given to over 13.7 million people aged 18 and above in
At the end of March Malaysia had recorded around
337,000 cases of Covid 19 and about 1,250 deaths due to
the virus.
Online MIFF Furniverse
The Malaysia International Furniture Fair (MIFF
Furniverse) was held online in March offering online
sourcing for global furniture buyers. Visitors to the
website could browse photos and videos of a wide variety
of home and office furniture. Through “Live Chat / Video
Calling”, buyers could talk directly with manufacturers.
On the first day 389 buyers from 65 countries “visited”
and 31 successful pre-scheduled business matching were
conducted. On the second day a total of 729 buyers from
82 countries and regions visited, thousands of business
contacts were exchanged and business live chats, video
calls and business meetings held.
The Malaysian International Furniture Fair 2021 (live
event) is scheduled for 1-4 September.
See: https://2021.miff.com.my/
New forest policy covers all States
The Malaysian Prime Minister recently announced a new
Malaysian Forestry Policy which brings all State under
one umbrella. He said the new policy sets out a clear
direction for the forestry sector which faces new
challenges at the domestic and international levels.
In the Federation of Malaysia, forestry is under State
jurisdiction. The country has three sets of guidelines and
laws addressing differing regional issues though all with a
common SFM objective for all the Peninsular Malaysian
States, Sarawak and Sabah. The national policy was
launched in conjunction with the 2021 National level
International Day of Forests.
The Prime Minister said the cost of maintaining and
preserving the country's forest areas which cover 55% or
18.3 million hectares of the country’s land area is
enormous and about RM6 billion is needed for the
He said various special financial instruments have been
created including the National Conservation Trust Fund
for Natural Resources, Forest Development Trust Fund
under the State governments in Peninsular Malaysia and
the latest, the Malaysia Forest Fund which was established
last year.
New regional marketing office in Jeddah
The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities
(MPIC) is setting up a Malaysian agri-commodity office in
Jeddah to capitalise on the market potential for the
nation’s agricultural commodities in the Middle East and
the African continent.
The regional office, which acts as a hub for Malaysian
commodities, will serve the Malaysian Palm Oil Council,
the Malaysian Rubber Council and the Malaysian Timber
Sarawak Forest Department anti-corruption plan
The Sarawak Forest Department has published its anticorruption
plan for to eliminate corruption in the
Department. Forest Department Director, Datu Hamden
Mohammad, said the Department had undertaken various
programmes and strategies to spread awareness on the
damage caused by corruption.
Plywood export prices
Traders based in Sarawak reported the following March
export prices:

IFEX Virtual Expo
The Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industry
Association (HIMKI), organised along with Dyandra
Promosindo a fair organize,r was a Virtual Expo that ran
March 11-14, 2021.
Abdul Sobur, HIMKI president, said that because of the
need to avoid attracting crowds a decision was made to
hold the 2021 IFEX virtually so it could be accessed by
buyers from anywhere. The IFEX Virtual Expo attracted
almost 2,000 buyers from 63 countries.
IFEX presented Indonesian furniture and handicraft
products to help reactivate exports and generate interest
from domestic consumers in line with the Indonesian
President’s aim to expand the use and purchase of local
Kazakhstan a prospective market
The message from an online seminar "Opportunities for
Indonesian Furniture in Kazakhstan" organised by the
Indonesian Embassy in Nur-Sultan was that there is
potential for Indonesian furniture exports to Kazakhstan
because the Kazakhstan’s furniture industry is not yet
developed and most furniture is imported from Russia,
Belarus, China and South Korea.
The Indonesian Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Rahmat
Pramono, said Indonesian entrepreneurs can take
advantage of Kazakhstan’s membership in the Eurasian
Economic Union (EAEU) a customs union.
UK announcement of new funding for tropical forests
attracts comments
A press release from the UK government provides details
of a new multi-million pound fund to help protect
rainforests, cut millions of tonnes of carbon emissions and
improve the lives of over 600,000 people in tropical forest
communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Through the newly launched ‘Mobilising Finance for
Forests Programme’ the government will invest £150
million for businesses and investors who support and
deliver sustainable land-use projects and protect rainforest
regions and communities vulnerable to climate change.
This is also expected to attract as much as £850 million in
private investment, support thousands of green jobs across
multiple sectors such as agriculture, food, and technology
in these regions. The forest, agriculture and land use sector
is predicted to provide 23% of the reduction in carbon
emissions and climate impacts needed over the next
decade to meet the goals set in the Paris Agreement.
The projects that could benefit include those that promote
transparent supply chains and implement deforestationfree
standards, supporting an estimated 600,000 smallscale
farmers and food producers to incorporate forest
protection into agricultural production.
In response to the announcement from the UK, Indonesia's
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mahendra Siregar,
shared a written statement outlining Indonesia's
experiences regarding the level of international climate
finance support as part of efforts to achieve a climate
In the letter he said it is Indonesia’s experience that selfgenerated
financial resources are those that really pay
dividends for sustainable and green programme success.
Adding, “International support, particularly climate
finance, was expected to play a big part in achieving a
climate agreement, (but) it was a big disappointment.”
Social forestry management regulations
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK)
continues to work on regulations related to Social Forestry
management in order to boost the effectiveness of the
State Forestry Corporation (Perum Perhutani). Forestry
Minister, Siti Nurbaya said Social Forestry is able to
provide benefits for the welfare of the community.
Recent discussions focused on draft regulations for
production and protected forest areas in Java covering an
area of approximately 1.4 million hectares (ha) which will
still be managed by Perum Perhutani.
Exports projected to grow 4% in 2021
Indonesia's exports are expected to grow by 4% this year
to support the government’s economic growth target of 5-
5.5% according to Indonesian Minister of Trade,
Muhammad Lutfi.
To achieve the economic growth target exports must grow
by 4%, imports should not expand more than 2%,
household consumption must increase by 5% and
investment needs to grow by around 14%. The Ministry of
Trade is designing a strategy to expand exports by over
6% which, it is hoped, will be achieved by rises in global
prices for commodities.

Timber exports dwindle
For the first four months of the financial year 2020-21
(Oct. 20 - Jan. 21) timber export earnings were recorded at
US$50 million according to the Department of Trade.
Up-to-date export data has not been released since the
State Administration Council (the official name of
Military-led government) took the power.
The civil disobedience movement, a shortage of containers
and the departure of many workers for their home towns to
avoid police and military violence is impacting the flow of
exports. According to timber exporters few consignments
were made in March.
US Suspends Trade Engagement with Burma
In a 29 March 2021 press release the United States Trade
Representative, Katherine Tai, announced the suspension
of all U.S. engagement with Myanmar under the 2013
Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA).
This suspension will remain in effect until the return of a
democratically elected government.
In addition USTR will consider the situation in the country
with respect to the internationally recognised worker rights
eligibility criterion as the US Congress considers
reauthorisation of the GSP programme.
For the full release see:
Myanmar Investment Commission meets
The Myanmar Investment Commission has been
restructured in accordance with Notification No. 30/2021
from the State Administration Council (SAC). The new
chairperson of the Commission is Lieutenant-General Moe
Myint Tun. It is reported that the Commission approved
ten new projects in the communications, manufacturing,
hotel and power generation sectors.
According to the Irrawaddy online news, the Commission
has suspended 63 staff including a deputy director for
protesting the military take-over of government.
Thousands of civil servants are on strike in opposition to
the SAC.
World Bank forecasts massive drop in growth
Myanmar’s economic growth is set to shrink by 10%
according to the World Bank. The Bank report says
"Myanmar has been heavily affected by recent protests,
worker strikes, military actions, reduced mobility and
ongoing disruptions in essential public services including
banking, logistics and internet services."
Since early February only military-controlled banks have
operated. Almost all private banks shut down as staff
participate in the civil disobedience movement.
In related news the Central Bank of Myanmar has lowered
limits on cash withdrawals from ATMs and bank accounts
after one of the military-owned banks suspended
operations as it faced a run on withdrawals. Myanmar’s
private banks face fines of up to K30 million a week if
they do not reopen their branches nearly all of which have
been shut for more than a month.
ADB suspends funding
In a statement released 10 March the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) said “it has placed a temporary hold on
sovereign project disbursements and new contracts in
Myanmar effective 1 February 2021”.
The Bank expressed ‘deep concern’ for how events were
unfolding in Myanmar, ‘especially for the loss of life
during civil protests', saying the decision was made in line
with internal guidelines.
Wood product price
indices move higher
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has reported the
official Wholesale Price Index for ‘All Commodities’
(Base: 2011-12=100) for February increased to 127.3 from
124.0 in January 2021.
The index for manufactured products increased in
February 2021. 17 groups saw increased prices including
furniture, paper and paper products, wood and of products
of wood and cork as compared to January 2021. The rate
of inflation based on monthly WPI stood at 4.17% in
February 2021 compared to 2.26% in February 2020.
Retail inflation, as measured by Consumer Price Index
(CPI), reversed its four-month-long decelerating spell to
grow at 5.03% in February. The risk to the economy
comes at a time when India could be seeing a furher wave
of Covid-19. Maharashtra and Punjab which are badly
affceted have re-imposed restrictions.
The press release from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
can be found at: http://eaindustry.nic.in/cmonthly.pdf

Strong growth forecast in domestic furniture
The Indian domestic furniture market is expected to grow
annually at over 12% during the period of 2020-2024,
according to Kirit Joshi, Co-Founder and Director, of
Spacewood Furnishers Pvt. Ltd in his article
‘Manufacturing & Retail Trends That Will Drive Growth
Of Indian Furniture Sector In 2021’.
Joshi says the pandemic and lockdowns have changed
customer preferences with comfort and functionality
becoming as significant as design and aesthetics. He says
manufacturers and retailers will need to adapt to this trend.
There will be a rise in demand for multi-functional,
comfortable and aesthetic furniture for the home.
The Indian government aims to increase the share of the
manufacturing in GDP to 25% by 2025 and initiatives like
Make India and ‘Vocal for Local’ have boosted
confidence in the entire manufacturing sector. One of the
key aspects to drive growth of manufacturing and retail is
a robust logistics and supply chain infrastructure, says
For the full article see:
Economic recovery expected in 2021
New reports suggest India's economy could grow by
firmly in as short-term as prospects have turned more
favourable. Domestic and external demand has been rising
since the easing of restrictions which lifted manufacturing
output but the recent surge in infections and re-imposed
restricts could undermine this scenario.
According to a UN report India's economy, estimated to
have contract by around 7% in 2020 but is expected to
record a "strong recovery" in 2021 due to a policy shift
towards demand-side stimulus and more public
Ghana opens trade office
The Ghana High Commission in India inaugurated the
Ghana Trade Centre in Bengaluru under the India Africa
Trade Council for promoting trade and investment
opportunities. Ramesh KR, an industrialist, has been
appointed to manage the Ghana Trade office in Bengaluru.
At the launch of the trade office Dr. Asif Iqbal, President
of the Indian Economic Trade Organization, pointed out
Ghana is the headquarter of the African Continental Free
Trade Area (AfCFTA) and can serve as a gateway to the
1.2 billion-strong African population which has a
combined GDP of USD 3.4 trillion.
Rubberwood log price rise hitting plywood
The recent shift from higher priced poplar plywood to the
less expensive rubberwood plywood produced in Kerala
has hit a wall says Plyreporter in its March release.
Unfortunately, manufacturers in Kerala have been unable
to meet the extra demand as finding workers is a problem
because of travel restrictions. Also, the once competive
rubberwood plywood has become less so due to rising
rubberwood log prices. The average current price of
rubber wood is above Rs6,500/tonne and there has been an
increase of more than Rs1,000/tonne over the past months.
For the full story see:

Plywood prices increased
Navnit Gajjar, President of Kandla Timber
Association, has reported that after a meeting of Kandla
based plywood and veneer industries a decision was made
to increase prices for plywood, blockboards and panel
The reasons for the increases were the rising cost of
imported raw materials due to the high freight rates and
the problem of finding adequate workers to maintain

States cut forest department budgets
The times of India has reported 16 states have cut
budgetary for conservation efforts but also for increasing
the green cover in the country.
West Bengal reported the highest percentage, a 52%
decline in its budgetary allocation for the forest
department followed by Uttar Pradesh (44%), Andhra
Pradesh (40%), Tamil Nadu (38%) and Bihar (30%).
While most of the States receive a contribution from the
Central Government Compensatory Afforestation Fund
Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) for
afforestation State allocations are the main source for
Exports of guest and dining room
furniture rise
Data available from the Vietnam’s General Department of
Customs shows that in February 2021 exports of guest and
dining room furniture were valued at US$206 million,
26% up compared to February 2020. In the first 2 months
of 2021 exports of this group of wood products reached
US$507 million almost 50% higher year-on-year.
Made-in-Vietnam guest and dining room furniture was
destined mostly for the US market. In January 2021, the
US consumed around 73% of total exports of these
categories with the value of US$217.8 million, 9.1% up
compared to December 2020 but down slightly year on
After the US, exports of guest and dining room furniture to
EU reached US$28 million, 15% up on December 2020
and 6% higher than that of January 2020.
Besides US and EU, guest and dining room furniture was
shipped to Japan, Canada, UK, Australia, South Korea,
China, New Zealand, Taiwan P.o.C, Saudi Arabia and the

Exports of wood and wood products (W&WP) to the
Netherland during February 2021 were reported at US$7.6
million, 62% up against February 2020. Over the first 2
months of 2021 W&WP exported to this market
accumulated at US$17.3 million, 37% higher than in same
period of 2020.
Data provided by the Customs Office also reveals that
during the first 2 months of 2021 Vietnam has imported
103,300 cu.m of ash valued at of US$24.3 million, some
48% higher in volume and 61% higher in value compared
to the same period of 2020.
Imports of ash from EU rising
In January 2021 the EU emerged as the top supplier of ash
timber to Vietnam. Ash imported into Vietnam from EU
accounted for 82% of the total of Vietnam’s import of this
wood species. The value of ash imports in January 2021
was US$11.6 million. In February 2021 Vietnam imported
42,600 cu.m of ash from EU sources worth US$10
million, 22% up in volume and 31% up in value compared
to the same time in 2020.
In the first 2 months of 2021 Vietnam imported 103,300
c.m of ash from all sources at a cost of US$24.3 million,
48% up in volume and 61% up in value year-on-year.
In January 2021 the average price of imported ash (logs)
was US$235 per cu.m 3% lower than in December 2020
but 10.5% higher than in January 2020.
Vietnam Furniture Matching Week
The Vietnam Furniture Matching Week will be held 12-19
April. This initiative seeks to connect Vietnamese
manufacturers with international buyers.
A Furniture Sourcing Day will be held on 14 April in Ho
Chi Minh City bringing together more than 300 local
manufacturers, executives from foreign companies
operating in Vietnam and local and foreign source
An online exhibition and B2B matching event will be held
(www.hopefairs.com) to introduce Vietnamese producers
to global. A series of webinars with in-depth analysis of
some key markets such as the US, the UK, the Republic of
Korea, Germany and Canada will also be held.
The Handicraft and Wood Industry Association of Ho Chi
Minh City (HAWA) held a similar event in 2020 which
was a success.
See: http://www.hawa.vn/vi
Mato Grosso
increases logging – achieves decline in
illegal activities
The state of Mato Grosso in the Amazon region is the top
supplier of timber from natural forests and the forestry
sector is a main foundation for the economy in 44
municipalities in the State. There are around 3.7 million
hectares under forest management in the State and the
sector generates about 90,000 direct and indirect jobs.
Between 2018 and 2019 Mato Grosso State recorded an
increase of 60% in the logging area compared to the
period 2016 and 2017. There were 457,000 hectares of
natural forests utilised in the State in the period August
2017 to July 2020.
The previous assessment for August 2015 to July 2017
found 268,000 hectares logged. Of the total mapped in the
period (August 2017 to July 2020) 289,000 hectares (63%)
were carried out legally and within the area authorised by
the State Secretariat of Environment (SEMA).
The 168,000 hectares (37%) that were harvested illegall
represents a decline in the proportion of illegal harvesting
in the State. In the previous period, 39% was illegal. The
data were published by Instituto Centro de Vida in
partnership with SEMA.
The solutions to overcome illegal harvesting include
improved forest monitoring and control systems and fully
integrating State and the Federal system Sinaflor
(Brazilian National System for the Control of the Origin of
Forest Products).
Government extends grace period for PRONAMPE
The Federal government announced an extension by three
more months of the grace period for loans granted to
entrepreneurs through the National Program for the
Support of Micro and Small Businesses (Programa
Nacional de Apoio às Microempresas e Empresas de
Pequeno Porte - PRONAMPE).
This will benefit about 517,000 entrepreneurs who, in
2020, secured financing that totalled R$37.5 billion.
PRONAMPE was created in May 2020 to support smallsized
business owners affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the Brazilian Micro and Small Business
Support Service (Sebrae) at the height of the pandemic in
Brazil the average revenue of companies fell 70%.
The programme allowed entrepreneurs to secure up to
30% of their revenue in loans with payments in 36
installments. Initially, the programme had an eight-month
grace period which meant loans would become due in
March 2021.
The government is drafting a bill to allow PRONAMPE
resources not used in 2020 (about R$2 billion) to be
invested in 2021 in addition to an extra support of over
R$4.8 billion that is under negotiation with the Senate.
Export update
In February 2021 Brazilian exports of wood-based
products (except pulp and paper) increased 30.5% in value
compared to February 2020, from US$216.1 million to
US$282.0 million.
Pine sawnwood exports grew 16% in value between
February 2020 (US$9.9 million) and February 2021
(US$46.2 million). In volume, exports increased 9% over
the same period from 218,800 cu.m to 238,500 cu.m.
Tropical sawnwood exports declined 8% in February from
32,600 cu.m in February 2020 to 30,100 cu.m in February
2021. In value, exports fell 13% from US$14.5 million to
US$12.6 million over the same period.
Pine plywood exports surged 75% in value in February
2021 in comparison with February 2020, from US$36.1
million to US$63.3 million. In volume terms exports
increased 17% over the same period, from 165,800 cu.m
to 194,500 cu.m.
As for tropical plywood, export volumes remained flat but
export earnings rose 15% (from 5,200 cu.m, US$2.0
million in February 2020 to 5,200 cu.m, US$2.3 million in
February 2021).
Wooden furniture export earnings increased from US$43.3
million in February 2020 to US$55.1 million in February
2021, a 27% year on year rise. Sales of Brazilian furniture
to the United States have grown over the last two years.
Continuing the positive export trend last year, furniture
exports in January 2021 grew by 37% compared to the
same month in 2020 according to ABIMÓVEL (Brazilian
Furniture Industry Association) and Apex-Brasil
(Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).
Specifically, the wooden furniture segmente growth was
In January 2021 there was a significant increase in trade
with buyers from the United States (57%), Chile (169%),
Peru (85%) and Puerto Rico (178%).
On the other hand there was a drop in exports to two
neighbouring countries: Paraguay (-3%) and Colombia (-
9%). Exports to the United Kingdom, the second largest
destination, grew below average but remained positive at
the beginning of the year (6%).
Looking only at exports to the United States, these grew
significantly in terms of value in 2020, US$270.2 million,
an increase of 12%. In the comparison between January
2019 and January 2021 the growth reaches 89%. The state
of Florida is the largest gateway for Brazilian furniture.
Exports of forest products – third largest revenue
Data from the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) show that
around 500,000 workers are engaged in some activity
related to the forest sector. In natural forests production
alone, there are almost 12,000 formal jobs.
Data on exports in 2020 point out that forest products
generated US$11.4 billion, the third largest revenue in the
ranking of agricultural products, behind the soy and meat.
The sector's share in national exports represented 4.3% of
the total shipped by the country.
In relation to the agribusiness exports, the forest sector
represented about 10% of exports in 2020. Only China and
the United States accounted for more than US$5.5 billion
of Brazilian exports.
However there is potential for growth as about 40% of the
world's tropical forests are in Brazil, but only 10% of
world production comes from the forests in Brazil and out
of the 10% the country produces only 3% is exported.
Covid update
On 24 March the government announced modifications to
existing regional covid alert levels and movement
restrictions to become effective 29 March to 11 April
2021. These restrictions are in addition to the previously
announced ‘Semana Santa’ restrictions set to run 1 April 1
to 14 April. The Government reported that 19 provinces
are at the extreme alert level, 163 provinces are in the very
high alert level and 14 provinces are in the high alert
level. As of March 202, Peru's total infections since the
virus first hit in March last year was 1,492,519 with
50,656 deaths according to the Ministry of Health.
For the complete list of departments and provinces and
their respective alerts.
Forestry can attract interest from long-term investors
The president of Bosques Amazónicos (BAM), David
Saettone, has said the forestry sector in Peru is emerging
as an engine of economic growth and with a resource base
of more than 125 million hectares the sector has great
potential to accelerate investment in a post-coronavirus
He added that world per capita consumption of wood is
estimated to be 0.5 cubic metres per year but with a
population that will increase from 7 billion to 9 billion by
2050, it is clear there will be a strong demand for wood for
many decades.
Peruvian particleboard imports grow
Peruvian imports of particleboard were valued at US$13.1
million in January 2021 (January 2020: US$9.1 million), a
record for the month of January and strong year-on-year
growth of 44%.
Ecuador was once again the main supplier to Peru in
January 2021 with shipments worth US$4.6 million. Spain
ranked second with US$4.5. Brazil, with a notable growth
of 66%, was the third supplier in January 2021 (US $ 2.7
million) followed by Chile, US$839,400.
Promoting forest restoration
Speaking at the opening of the webinar ‘Management of
the tropical forest and restoration of forest ecosystems’
held on the International Day of Forests the Vice Minister
of Development of Family Agriculture and Agrarian
Infrastructure and Irrigation, José Muro Ventura,
highlighted the role of the National Forest and Wildlife
Service (SERFOR) in promoting the recovery of degraded
areas in the country. He said SERFOR has prioritised
restoring 2.1 million hectares of ecosystems and degraded
forest lands in the country.
One intervention during the online event was by Nelson
Kroll, Regional Manager of Maderera Río Acre, who said
sustained and regulated use of forests is a proven strategy
to guarantee their permanence over time and sustained
forests will provide multiple goods and services to
Manuel Guariguata, Principal Scientist in forest
management and restoration at the Center for International
Forestry Research (CIFOR) pointed out the need to
continue promoting restoration as a strategy to optimise
land use and to deliver the variety of possibilities offered
by natural ecosystems.
