US Dollar Exchange Rates of
11th January
China Yuan 6.4754
Report from China
Adjusted import tariffs
On 1 January 2021 China adjusted import tariffs on
commodities including some of those in the most favored
nation (MFN) category, conventional tariffs and
provisional tariffs commodities. This was in response to
the various trade deals agreed including the Free Trade
Agreement between China and Mauritius.
Further tariff reductions will be made under the free trade
agreements China has signed with countries including
New Zealand, Peru, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Iceland,
Pakistan, Chile, Australia, the Republic of Korea, Georgia
as well as the Asia-Pacific trade agreement, the Regional
Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
Among the changes and in order to encourage domestic
demand for imported materials the import duties on more
than 100 wood products will be reduced. China will
continue to apply preferential tariff rates to goods from the
43 of the least developed countries that have established
diplomatic ties with China.
Tariff concessions under China-Mongolia Asia-Pacific
Trade Agreement
Also on 1 January 2021 China and Mongolia implemented
tariff changes under RCEP. Mongolia reduced tariffs on
366 tariff lines including, among others, aquatic products,
vegetables and fruits, animal and vegetable oil, mineral
products, chemical products, timber, yarn, chemical fibers,
mechanical products, and transport equipment. At the
same time, China¡¯s schedule under RCEP is applicable to
China¡¯s tariff schedule under the RCEP APTA is
applicable to Mongolia. Specific tariff can be seen on the
website of China Free Trade Arrangement Service
New quarantine requirements for logs from Australia
As a result of finding pests in imported Australian logs on
three occasions (31 October, 11 November and 3
December 2020) China¡¯s Customs issued warning notices
to suspend the import of Australian logs from Queensland,
Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia.
Live forest pests were found in logs from New South
Wales State and Western Australia State by Tianjin,
Nanjing, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Huangpu
In accordance with the provisions of the Animal and Plant
Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China the
country is implementing regulations and International
Standards for Phytosanitary measures. China has decided
to suspend the import of logs from New South Wales and
Western Australia.
New national standard for interior wood doors
According to an announcement by the State Forestry and
Grassland Administration a new standard for interior wood
door (LY/T 1923¡ª2020) has been drafted and will take
effect on 1 June 2021. The new standard replaces the
interior wood door (LY/T 1923¡ª2010) which has been in
effect for nearly 10 years.
The three concepts of "solid wood door "," solid
composite door" and "laminated door" are clearly defined
in the new national standard on interior wood door. There
are also clear requirements for the quality requirements of
wood doors, such as machining accuracy, appearance
quality, physical and chemical properties and
environmental protection properties (formaldehyde
New national standard on laminated and laminated
solid composite flooring
The new national standard on "laminated wooden
flooring" (GB/T 18102¡ª2020) and " laminated solid
composite flooring" (GB/T 24507¡ª2020) have been
announced and will be effective as 1 July 2021.
The new national standard on "laminated wood floor"
(GB/T 18102¡ª2020) is a revision of the GB/T 18102¡ª
2007. Part of the product quality technical indicators have
been modified, added or adjusted in the new standard to
upgrade the standard.
The original standard name "laminate multilayer solid
composite floor" (GB/T 24507¡ª2009) was revised to
"laminated solid composite floor". Some terms, product
classification, appearance quality, specification size and
deviation, grade requirements of surface scratch resistance
and surface wear resistance, requirements and inspection
methods of formaldehyde emission in the GB/T 24507¡ª
2009 edition were modified in the new standard and the
requirements and inspection methods of surface moisture
and heat resistance were added.
The release and implementation of the two new standards
will play an important role in standardising the production
and trade of wood floor and impregnated paper laminated
solid composite floor products, promoting the
technological progress of wood flooring industry and
upgrading product quality and standards and leading the
development of wood floor industry.
According to statistics from the flooring committee of the
China National Forest Products Industry Association sales
of wood and bamboo flooring enterprises with annual
operation revenue of more than RMB20 million in 2019
was 424.6 million square metres of which laminated wood
floor was 216.2 million square metres, accounting for 50%
of total wood and bamboo flooring sales.
It has been estimated that there are more than 500
laminated solid composite floor manufacturing enterprises
whose annual sales tops RMB20 billion. These enterprises
are mainly in Nanxun City of Zhejiang Province,
Changzhou City of Jiangsu Province, Wuhan City of
Hubei Province and Linyi City of Shandong Province.
