US Dollar Exchange Rates of
10th November
China Yuan 6.6064
Report from China
Log imports from State of Victoria
China has banned imports of logs from Victoria in
Australia as of 11 November according to a notice on the
Australian Department of Agriculture's website. This is
because the quarantine service in China once again
detected pests in a log shipment. Customs clearance for
logs shipped from the state of Queensland after October
31, 2020 will not be cleared.
Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese customs has
repeatedly detected live pests such as Cerambycidae and
Buprestidae in logs imported from Australia.
In accordance with national quarantine laws and
regulations the infected logs have been treated and the
exporters notified of the non-conformance with
international standards and required to investigate the
causes and take improvement measures to avoid a
Rise in the output of China¡¯s wood-based panel
It has been reported that the output of China¡¯s wood-based
panel sector in 2019 rose 3% year on year to 308.59
million cubic metres. Production included 180 million
cubic metres of plywood, 62 million cubic metres of
fibreboard, 30 million cubic metres of particleboard and
37 million cubic metres of other wood-based panels (48%
of which was blockboard).
The domestic consumption of wood-based panel in 2019
increased year on year to just over 1% to 293 million cubic
The rate of expansion of production capacity is slowing,
panel supply is adequate and the structural reform of the
wood-based panel sector is being vigorously pursued and
this has seen a reduction in sales of low-quality panels.
Shortage of red cedar stocks
It has been reported that the domestic stocks of Thuja
plicata Donn. ex D. Don (Western Red Cedar) is tight and
only a few traders holding stocks. This situation is related
to the increase in market demand. At present, domestic red
cedar FAS shorts prices have been quoted at RMB6,000
per cubic metre while long FAS is quoted at RMB10,000
per cubic metre.
Because of the shortage attention has turned to American
cedar (Sabina pingii var. wilsonii). According to
merchants downstream manufacturers like this cedar
because of its price advantage and its scent is similar to
red cedar. Cedar is favoured by a Guangxi coat hanger as
there is a huge demand for coat hangers.
Paulonia trading centre
Zhuangzhai town is one of the main wood-based panel
production bases and it is home to the national paulownia
trading center and has a large paulownia export processing
There are more than 600 enterprises of various types and
37 industrial enterprises with an output value of more than
RMB20 million, employing more than 60,000 people and
with an annual wood processing capacity of 3 million
cubic metres.
Nankang Furniture and Imported Wood Exposition
It has been reported that more than 400 people gathered at
the newly completed Ganzhou International Wood
Distribution Center to participate in the 2020 China
Furniture & Imported Timber Exposition held in Nankang
district, Ganzhou City of Jiangxi Province.
The exhibition hall covers a total area of 18,000 square
metres and the expo show cased imported timber from
more than 50 countries. Nine wood exhibition booths were
set up, including African timber, South American timber,
North American timber, Southeast Asian timber, Russian
timber, European timber, Canadian timber, Brazilian
timber, New Zealand and Australia timber. A total of more
than 100 precious timber species were be exhibited.
Ganzhou International Wood Electronic Trading Platform,
which is a timber electronic trading platform using block
chain technology attracted the most attention of exhibitors
at the exhibition site. This will have a profound impact on
the timber market in Ganzhou, South China and even the
whole country.
7th World Wood-Based Panel Conference postponed
Because of the pandemic the Linyi Wood Industry
Exposition 2020 the 7th World Wood-Based Panel
Conference has been rescheduled for 28 to 30 March
