US Dollar Exchange Rates of 25th June
China Yuan 6.8798
Report from China
Export certificates for ambila to be scrutinised
In order to effectively implement obligations under the
International Trade Convention on the International Trade
in Endangered Species (CITES) efforts are being stepped
up to manage imports of ambila/kosso (Pterocarpus
erinaceus) in accordance with the relevant provisions of
The authorities have indicated China will carefully
scrutinise shipments to ensure the provisions of CITES
and the exporting country regulations are followed.
The forest products industry in 2018
According to the 2018 Statistics Bulletin released by the
State Forestry and Grassland Administration, the total
value of national forest products industry output was
RMB7,627 billion, a year on year increase of 7%, about
3% lower growth than in 2017.
There were 9 Provinces where the value of forest products
industry output exceeding RMB400 billion. Guangdong
Province ranks first in terms of total output value
exceeding RMB800 billion.

Classified by industries, the leading forest industry sectors
with an output value of more than RMB1 trillion in 2018
were: economic forest products, planting and collection
industries, wood processing and wood bamboo products
manufacturing and forestry tourism and leisure service
The output value of 3 leading sectors was RMB1.4492
trillion, RMB1.2816 trillion and RMB1.3044 trillion
respectively. The growth of output from forest tourism
grew the fastest at 20%.

2018 output of main forest products
The output of commercial logs in 2018 was 88.11 million
cubic metres, a year on year increase of 5%. The log
harvest volume by farmers was 4.46 million cubic metres,
down 15% year on year. The volume of farmer fuelwood
harvests was 16.42 million cubic metres, down 9%.
The output of wood-based panels in 2018 rose 1.4% to
299.09 million cubic metres. Of the total, the output of
plywood, fibreboard and particleboard was 179 million
cubic metres, 62 million cubic metres and 27 million cubic
metres respectfully.
The output of other panel products was 31 million cubic
metres (53% of which was blockboard).
The output of plywood rose 4%, but the output of
fibreboard, particleboard and other wood-based panels fell
2%, 2% and 3% respectively.
The output of wood and bamboo flooring fell 4%. Of the
total, the output of solid wood flooring, solid composite
flooring, laminate flooring and bamboo flooring was 117
million square metres, 203 million square metres, 394
million square metres and 75 million square metres
The output of laminate flooring grew 9% year on year.
However, the output of bamboo flooring, solid wood
flooring and solid composite flooring declined in 2018.
Rise in China¡¯s plywood exports in 2018
According to the data from China Customs, the volume of
China¡¯s 2018 plywood exports was 11.33 million cubic
metres, up 4% from 2017.
The average price for 2018 China¡¯s exported plywood was
US$489 per cubic metre, a year on year increase of 4%.
China¡¯s plywood exports to the top 10 countries amounted
just 54% in 2018 as market diversification continues.
The pace of growth of China¡¯s plywood exports to
Vietnam was the highest, surging 25%. That is because
more and more Chinese wood products manufacture
enterprises have been transferred to Vietnam. In addition,
the volume of China¡¯s plywood exports to UK and the
Philippines rose 18% and 15% respectively.
However, the volume of China¡¯s plywood exports to South
Korea and US declined drastically, falling 34% and 22%
respectively. The main reason for the decline in exports to
South Korea, say analysts, was rising prices.
Increased tariffs and anti-dumping penalties on China¡¯s
wood products resulted in sharply higher transaction costs
to the US market. The US was the largest market for
China¡¯s plywood exports in 2018 but accounted for just
11% of total plywood exports.
