US Dollar Exchange Rates of 25th September 2018
China Yuan 6.8792
Report from China
Robust retail sales
The National Bureau of Statistics has released data on
retail sales of consumer goods showing that between
January and August this year retail sales of consumer
goods increased over 9% year on year with furniture sales
expanding over 10%.

China¡¯s first half 2018 wood products trade
Data from China Customs shows that in the first half of
2018 the value of China¡¯s wood products trade totalled
US$80.97 billion, up 9% from the same period of 2017 but
this was a slower growth than in the first half of 2017.
Of the total, the value of exports in the first half rose 6%
to US$39.1 billion. China¡¯s traders accelerated their wood
product exports to beat the introduction of tariffs by the
The value of imports of wood products rose 13% to
US$41.9 billion in the first half of 2017, down 9% year on
year. Overall the pace of China¡¯s wood products imports
was slower in the first half of 2018.

Main wood product imports
Logs: In the first half of 2018 the volume of China¡¯s log
imports totalled 30.32 million cubic metres valued at
US$5.8 billion, a year on year increase of 17% and 28%
Sawnwood: In the first half of 2018 the volume of China¡¯s
sawnwood imports totalled 18.15 million cubic metres
valued at US$5.2 billion, a year on year increase of 0.1%
and 9% respectively.
Wood pulp: In the first half of 2018 the volume of
China¡¯s wood pulp imports totalled 12.35 million tonnes
valued at US$9.8 billion, a year on year increase of 2%
and 33% respectively.
Main wood product exports
Wooden furniture: The value of China¡¯s wooden
furniture exports fell slightly to US$10.8 billion in the first
half of 2018.
Plywood: In the first half of 2018 the volume of China¡¯s
plywood exports was 5.6 million cubic metres valued at
US$2.7 billion, a year on year increase of 0.6% and 7%
Fibreboard: In the first half of 2018 the volume of
China¡¯s fibreboard exports amounted to 893 000 tonnes
valued at US$557 million, a year on year decrease of 19%
and 4%.
Slowdown in wood products trade between China and
the US
China¡¯s Customs data shows that in the first half of 2018
the value of wood products trade between China and the
US totalled US$14.591 billion, up 7% from the same
period of 2017 which is a slow pace of growth compared
to a year earlier. Imports of wood products from the US
accounted for 18% of the national total, the same
proportion as in the first half of 2017.
Of the total, the value of China¡¯s exports to the US rose
10% to US$9.746 billion. The value of China¡¯s imports
from the US rose just 3% to US$4.845 billion.
Overall the pace of growth in trade between the US and
China is slowing.

Trade between China and the United States hit hard
Although the volume of log, paper, paperboard and paper
products, sawnwood, imports rose 18%, 9% and 3% to
3.26 million cubic metres, 0.44 million tones and 1.52
million cubic metres respectively in the first half of 2018,
the pace of growth fell compared to the same period in

Exports of major forest products between China and the
United States have been hit hard in the first half of 2018.
The pace of growth in China¡¯s major wood products
exports to the US are slowing. First half 2018 plywood
exports (412 000 cubic metres) fell over 50% year on year
and fibreboard exports fell 10% to and 148 000 tonnes.
There has also been a decline in the value of wooden
furniture exports to the US.
