Report from
North America
Brazil ships more ipe and jatoba sawnwood to US
U.S. imports of sawn hardwood (temperate and tropical)
jumped in May to just under 103,000 cu.m., up from
66,749 cu.m. in April. The growth was in imports of
temperate species, while tropical imports were unchanged
from the previous month.
The value of tropical sawn hardwood imports grew by 7%
to $20.9 million in May. The increase in value was
primarily driven by higher imports of ipe sawnwood
(3,330 cu.m.). Year-to-date ipe imports were up 8% from
May 2017.
The largest growth in 2018 to date compared to last year
has been in imports of jatoba sawnwood. Imports
increased almost tenfold from 2017. In May 27% of the
imported jatoba came from Brazil, closely followed by
Canadian tropical imports down except meranti
Canadian tropical sawnwood imports fell in May to
US$1.3 million. Imports from most countries declined
month-over-month, with the exception of imports from the
Congo (formerly Zaire) and Malaysia. Year-to-date
imports of almost species were down compared to May
2017, but meranti imports increased 66% from the same
time last year.
Tropical wood and furniture products from China face
new US tariffs
Many wood products and furniture items from China are
on the latest list by the Trump administration that may be
affected by a new 10% tariff. The entire list is worth
US$200 billion in imports from China. The proposed
action on imports from China is now open to public
comments and a public hearing is scheduled for the end of
On July 6 the U.S. government imposed a 25% tariff on a
Chinese goods, including woodworking machinery. Wood
products and wooden furniture were not directly affected
by those tariffs, but the latest proposed list for tariffs
includes a wide range of wood products.
Tropical sawnwood and veneer, tropical hardwood
flooring and moulding, tropical plywood, composite wood
panels, various bamboo products, wooden seats, wooden
furniture and furniture parts are on the list.
The stocks of publicly traded U.S. home furnishings
retailers immediately dropped on the news, according to
the Woodworking Network. Two retail groups, the
National Retail Federation and the Retail Industry Leaders
Association, condemned the latest proposed tariffs on
Chinese products.
The full list of wood and furniture products from China
that may be affected by new U.S. tariffs is available at:
Wood products start on page 100 and furniture products on
page 202. An excerpt of the list is shown below.
4403.41.00 Wood in the rough/roughly squared,of Dark
Red Meranti,Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau, not
treated with paint/stain/cresote/other preserv.
4403.49.01 Wood in the rough/roughly squared, of other
tropical wood, not treated with paint/stain/creosote/other
4407.21.00 Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and
other specified tropical woods, sawn or chipped
lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4407.22.00 Okoume, Obeche, Sapelli and other specified
tropical woods, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or
peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4407.25.00 Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and
Meranti Bakau wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced
or peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4407.26.00 White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya,
Yellow Meranta and Alan wood sawn or chipped
lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4407.27.00 Sapelli wood sawn or chipped lengthwise,
sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4407.28.00 Iroko wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced
or peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4407.29.01 Tropical wood specified in chapter 44
subheading note 1, nesoi, sawn or chipped lengthwise,
sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick.
4408.31.01 Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and
Meranti Bakau veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and
other wood sawn/sliced/peeled, n/o 6 mm thick.
4408.39.02 Other tropical wood veneer sheets and sheets
for plywood, and wood sawn/sliced/peeled n/o 6 mm thick.
4409.22.05 Nonconiferous tropical wood continuously
shaped along any ends, whether or not also continuously
shaped along any edges or faces.
4409.22.10 Nonconiferous tropical wood siding, whether
or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not
its ends.
4409.22.25 Nonconiferous tropical wood flooring,
whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or
faces but not its ends.
4409.22.40 Nonconiferous tropical wood standard
moldings, whether or not continuously shaped along its
edges or faces but not its ends.
4409.22.50 Other nonconiferous tropical wood moldings,
whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or
faces but not its ends.
4409.22.60 Plain nonconiferous tropical wood dowel rods,
whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or
faces but not its ends.
4409.22.65 Nonconif. tropical wood dowel rods,
sanded/grooved/otherwise advanced in condition, whether
or not continuous. along edges or faces but not ends
4409.22.90 Other nonconiferous tropical wood, whether or
not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its
4412.10.05 Plywood, veneered panels and similar
laminated wood, of bamboo.
4412.10.90 Veneered panels and similar laminated wood,
of bamboo, other than plywood.
4412.31.06 Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood
outer ply, birch face ply, not surface covered beyond
4412.31.26 Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood
outer ply, Spanish cedar or walnut face ply, not surface
covered beyond clear/transparent.
4412.31.41 Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, with specified
tropical wood outer ply, with face ply nesoi, not surface
covered beyond clear/transparent.
4412.31.52 Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood
nesoi at least one outer ply, with face ply nesoi, not
surface covered beyond clear/transparent.
4412.31.61 Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, with certain
specified tropical wood outer ply, surface covered beyond
clear or transparent.
4412.31.92 Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood
nesoi at least one outer ply, surface covered beyond clear
or transparent.
