US Dollar Exchange Rates of 10th March 2018
China Yuan 6.33
Report from China
Imported wood products to be tested for toxins
The China National General Administration for Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has announced a
new regulation aimed at eliminating potentially harmful
products from the market and this could affect imports of
fibreboard, laminated wood and wooden furniture.
The items that will be closely checked for formaldehyde
emissions and flame retardants will be fibreboard (HS
code£º 4411131900£¬44111,41900 and 4411192900).
laminated wood £¨ HS code£º 4413000000£© and wooden
furniture£¨ HScodes£º 9403300090£¬9403400090£¬940350
0910£¬9403509990 and 9403609910.
Close attention will be paid to the heavy metal coatings on
imported wood children¡¯s furniture, structural safety and
flame resistance. Imported wood products identified in the
new regulation entering China after 1 March 2018 are
being checked.
For more see:
First company approved to import wood waste
Qunyi Wood Co., Ltd of Zhangshou City, Fujian Province
has secured government approval to import waste wood to
be used in the manufacture of added value products for
Qunyi Wood is the first company to secure approval and
the company has identified Japan as the first choice from
which to obtain waste wood and has developed business
arrangements with suppliers in Japan.
Russia¡¯s domination of China¡¯s sawn softwood
According to data from China¡¯s Custom, total sawnwood
imports from Russia amounted to 15.58 million cubic
metres in 2017. China¡¯s sawn softwood imports from
Russia have been increasing in recent years and totalled
14.282 million cubic metres in 2017, a year on year
increase of 23%.
Softwood shipments from Russia dominating China¡¯s
sawn softwood imports and the average price for the year
was US$83 per cubic metre, up 6% year on year.
The proportion of China¡¯s sawn softwood imports from
Russia grew to 57% in 2017 from 36% in 2016. The rising
imports from Russia resulted in a decline in sawn
softwood imports from Canada. The proportion of China¡¯s
sawn softwood from Canada fell to 20% in 2017 from
46% in 2011.

China¡¯s sawn hardwood imports from Russia in 2017 rose
12% to 1.298 million cubic metres at an average price of
US$279 per cubic metre, down 1%. Around 45% of sawn
hardwood imports from Russia were birch. China¡¯s
imports of birch sawnwood from Russia will fall in 2018
because the Russian government has announced controls
on birch exports.
China¡¯s hardwood log imports from Russia
Data from China¡¯s Customs shows that hardwood log
imports from Russia rose 27% to 2.419 million cubic
metres in 2017 at an average price for the year of US$146
per cubic metre, up 2% year on year. China¡¯s hardwood
log imports from Russia have surged since 2013.

Soaring timber imports through Haicang Port
According to Xiamen Haicang Entry-Exit Inspection and
Quarantine Bureau, 2017 timber imports of logs and
sawnwood through the Xiamen Haichang Bonded Port
amounted to 1.14 million cubic metres valued at US$199
million, a year on year increase of 25% in volume and
39% in value.
In 1989 the Chinese government established the Haicang
investment zone as a petrochemical industrial area
in Xinglin. Since then Haicang has developed into a world
class port.
All imported timbers through Xiamen Haicang Port were
containerised and originated from 47 countries according
to Cutoms data.
The top three supply countries are Australia (323,000
cubic metres) valued at US$37 million, Chile (199,000
cubic metres) valued at US$46.08 million and the United
States (163,000 cubic metres) valued at US$40.46 million.
Timber imports through Xiamen Ports totaled 2.462
million cubic metres valued at US$390 million in 2017.
Haicang Port accounted for about half of the total volume
and value of imports.