US Dollar Exchange Rates of 10th October 2017
China Yuan 6.6399
Report from China
Development and transformation of China¡¯s timber
The structure of China¡¯s forestry and timber industry
sectors has altered considerably over the past five years.
The scale of the industry has expanded and there has been
a consolidation in several sectors of industry.
According to government¡¯s 13th Five Year Plan for Forest
Industry Development, the total value of China¡¯s timber
industry output will be RMB8.7 trillion. Further, the plan
projects a transformation of China¡¯s timber industry from
resource orientation to innovation and that management
will shift from ¡®extensive¡¯ to ¡®intensive¡¯ through
technology upgrading. The plan also envisages the
emergence of a core of leading enterprises.
The total value of China¡¯s forestry industry output in 2016
was RMB6.49 trillion and in 2017 it is forecast to exceed
RMB7 trillion, around double that of 5 years ago.
Investment in sawmilling
It has been reported by the Russian Kommersant
newspaper that China AVIC Forestry plans to invest
US$430 million to set up a new sawnwood production line
in the economic and trade cooperation zone established in
Tomsk, the first and the biggest development project under
the framework of a Sino-Russian utilisation of forest
resources initiative.
Under the Sino-Russian initiative a total of 10 factories
will be built in Tomsk including plants for the
manufacture of plywood, particleboard, laminated panels
and furniture.
For more see:
Environmental protection tax levied in Guangdong
A decision to levy an environmental protection tax for air
pollutants and water pollutants has been made jointly by
Finance Department of the Environmental Protection
Department and the Local Taxation Bureau in Guangdong
Province. Tax collection will begin in January 2018.
Analysts estimate that the costs of environmental
protection for flooring manufacturers will rise sharply with
this new tax.
China¡¯s environmental protection agency
The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP),
formerly the State Environmental Protection
Administration (SEPA), is a cabinet-level ministry in
the executive branch of Government.
The Ministry is the nation's environmental protection
department charged with protecting China's air, water, and
land from pollution and contamination. Directly under
the State Council, it is empowered to implement
environmental policies and enforce environmental laws
and regulations.
For more see:
Price of sawn rubberwood surges in Hainan
The production of sawn rubberwood in Hainan Province
has fallen drastically as many mills have been ordered to
close by the national environmental protection team.
Analysts report that almost all rubberwood mills in Hainan
have ceased operation.
Stocks of sawn rubberwood are said to be low and the
flow of rubberwood imports from the main supplier,
Thailand, has fallen as the rain season in Thailand
hampers harvesting. Inevitably the price of sawn
rubberwood has started to rise.
Furniture from Bazhou City exported to 130 countries
According to Hebei Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Bureau data presented at a conference ¡®Second China
Export Wood Products Quality Technology Promotion¡¯ in
Bazhou City, Hebei Province, the number of enterprises
exporting furniture has increased.
In 2013 there were just 20 furniture manufacturers
exporting but that number has grown to 55 this year. The
expansion of furniture manufacturing for export is due
partly to the recent establishment of a furniture
demonstration/production zone in the city.
The value of furniture exports from manufacturers in
Bazhou City rose US$2,28 billion between January and
August this year, up 47% from last year. Exports are
shipped to more than 130 international markets.