US Dollar Exchange Rates of 10th March 2016
China Yuan 6.4961
Report from China
Slight rise in 2015 sawnwood imports volumes but
prices slip
Data from China Customs shows that there was a slight
rise in sawnwood imports in 2015. China¡¯s 2015
sawnwood imports totalled 26.08 million cubic metres
valued at US$7 billion, a year on year increase of 2% in
volume but an 8% decline in value. The average price for
imported sawnwood was US$285 per cubic metre, down
10% in 2015.
Of total sawnwood imports, sawn softwood imports fell
3% to 14.11 million cubic metres, accounting for 54% of
the national total. The average price for imported sawn
softwood was US$196 per cubic metre, down 10% year on
However, the data shows a 7% rise in sawn hardwood
imports to 11.97 million cubic metres.The average price
for imported sawn hardwoods was US$389 per cubic
metre, down 12% year on year.
Of total sawn hardwood imports, tropical sawnwood
imports were 4.77 million cubic metres valued at US$2.1
billion, up 15% in volume but down 6% in value and
accounted for 18% of the national total.
The average price for imported tropical sawnwood was
US$432 per cubic metre, a year on year decline of 19%.

Russia and Canada main sources of sawnwood
Russia was the main sawnwood supplier to China in 2015
accounting for 36% of the national total. Imports from
Russia totalled 9.29 million cubic metres, a year on year
increase of 18%. The second ranked supplier of sawnwood
was Canada at 5.38 million cubic metres, accounting for
21% of the national total. In 2015 a year on year decline of
19% was recorded for sawnwood imports from Canada.
The decline in average prices for imported sawnwood
from Canada (-12%) was larger than that from Russia (-
Thailand the main source of tropical sawnwood
Tropical sawnwood imports in 2015 totalled 4.77 million
cubic metres, accounting for 18% of the national total and
were valued at US$2.1 billion reflecting a 15% rise in
volume but a 6% decline in value.
The average price for imported tropical sawnwood was
US$432 per cubic metre, a year on year decline of 19%.
Just 10 countries supplied just over 96% of China¡¯s
tropical sawnwood requirements in 2015 namely, Thailand
(64%), Gabon (7.2%), Philippines (6.6%), Indonesia
(5.3%), Malaysia (5.2%), Cameroon (2.6%), Laos (2.2%),
Ecuador (1.2%), Peru (1.1%) and Congo Rep. (1.1%).

Tropical sawnwood imports from Cameroon rose sharply
(123%) in 2015 and imports from the Philippines fell
dramatically (-47% ) over the same period.

The main entry points for tropical sawnwood imports in
2015 was Guangzhou and Shanghai Ports which accounted
for 52% and 15% respectively of all tropical sawnwood
Monthly change in China¡¯s sawnwood imports
China¡¯s timber importers cut back on sawnwood
shipments set for arrival in February due to the long break
to celebrate Chinese New Year. Immediately after the
holidays imports resumed as will be seen in the graphic
There was a steady rise in imports of both sawn
saoftwoods and hardwoods until mid-year after which
import levels fell consistently as landed inventories were
reduced. The fall in softwood imports was much steeper
than that for sawn hardwood imports. It will be seen that
sawn hardwood imports reversed direction inSeptember
and rose every month through to year end.
China¡¯s sawnwood imports were at the highest in April
mainly because of large shipments of softwood
sawnwood. At its lowest point sawn softwood imports
dropped to about 1.69 million cubic metres.