US Dollar Exchange Rates of
10th December
China Yuan 6.4302
Report from China
33 percent fall in real estate development
In the first eleven months of this year the area of land
purchased by real estate developers¡¯ fell 33% compared to
the same period last year. In November the pace of decline
eased slightly for a month earlier.

The pace of investment in real estate development in the
first eleven months of 2015 was just over 1% more than a
year earlier. Investment in residential buildings grew
modestly and accounted for 67.4% of all real estate
development investment.
In sharp contrast to the weak housing data November retail
sales of consumer goods grew by 11% year-on-year.

For more see:

Furniture company joins UN Global Compact
China¡¯s Futiansi Sijunzi Classical Furniture Co., Ltd was
invited to join the UN Global Compact in September this
year and became the first of China¡¯s redwood furniture
enterprises to be a member of the Compact.
The UN Global Compact claims to be the world's largest
corporate sustainability initiative with 80,000 corporate
participants and other stakeholders in around 170
countries. The Compact supports companies to:
Do business responsibly by aligning
strategies and operations with Ten Principles on
human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption;
Take strategic actions to advance
broader societal
goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development
Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and
The UN Global Compact was launched by the previous
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in an address to the
World Economic Forum on January 31, 1999, and was
officially launched at UN Headquarters in New York on
July 26, 2000.
See: and
China the largest importer of Congo Basin timber
China has become the largest importer of timber from the
Congo Basin with some 2.9 million cubic metres (RWE)
being imported in 2014. This amounts to over 75% of total
timber exports from the Congo Basin and exceeds the 2
million cubic metres imported by member states of the
Most of the logs exported from Gabon, Congo Brazzaville
and Equatorial Guinea are destined for China.
China imported 95% of the logs produced from Equatorial
Guinea, 85% of logs from Congo Brazzaville, 78% of the
logs from the Central African Republic, 76% of the logs
from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 64% of the
logs from Gabon and 63% of logs from Cameroon in
Guigang city - Centre of plywood industry
Guigang city is an important wood panel processing base
and an important wood products trade distribution centre
and in the the first three quarters of 2015 the value of
production (mostly plywood) reached RMB14 billion.
There are some 2,680 enterprises in the city producing
rotary cut veneer and plywood and these mills have a total
production capacity of more than 4.5 million cubic metres.
Analysts estimate that around one third of the national
output of formboard is produced by enterprises in the city.
Thirty seven (37) plywood enterprises in the city account
for over 40% of total exports and ship to South Korea,
Japan, Singapore, Australia, the United States, Thailand,
Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Wood products trade between China and Vietnam
Despite China's growing trade deficit with Vietnam the
wood products trade earns a huge surplus.
The Secretary General of the Vietnam Wood and Forest
Products Processing said that the wood products trade
between China and Vietnam generates a surplus of around
US$600 million annually.
It is estimated that Vietnam exported nearly US$1 billion
of wood products to China from 2012 to 2014 and the
country was ranked third behind the United States and
In the first half of 2015 the value of Vietnam¡¯s wood
product exports to China reached US$425 million, mainly
from the supply of wood chips, logs, sawnwood, wood
based panels and furniture.
Houjie city furniture popular in South Africa
Wood products traders in Dongguan City, Guangdong
Province have been inspired by news that China will
provide US$60 billion in aid to African countries over the
next three years.
Houjie city furniture exporters have explored the South
African market and the local administration launched a
Houjie Furniture South Africa Initiative in October which
resulted in the establishment of direct-sale and franchise
stores in South Africa.
There are plans to build a Dongguan Furniture Products
Exhibition Center in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban in
South Africa specifically for Gongguan furniture