US Dollar Exchange Rates of 25th October
China Yuan 6.3614
Report from China
Promoting green building materials
The Ministries of Industry and Housing have developed an action plan to
promote the production and use of green building materials. The aim is
to increase the proportion and quality of green building materials and
will focus on energy consumption in manufacturing and the emission of
toxic airborne substances.
According to the plan more wooden building will be developed in the near
future. The use of wooden structures will be promoted in public building
such as schools, kindergartens, nursing homes and in landscaping. In
addition, wooden rural housing construction will be promoted in existing
and new community developments.
Biomass building materials will play a prominent role in the
implementation of the action plan and new technologies utilising biomass
materials will be introduced.
Priority will be given to the development and use of biomass fibre
reinforced wood plastic, home interior furnishing and decoration and an
expanded role for bamboo in buildings will be explored.
Imports of high quality particleboard
Despite being a major producer particleboard imports remain high. China
is one of the largest producers of particleboard and output in 2014 rose
11% to 20.87 million cubic metres. The main production centres are found
in 10 provinces; Shandong (3.67 million cu.m, 18%), Hebei (2.91 million
cu.m, 14%), Jiangsu (2.8 million cu.m, 13%), Guangdong (1.59 million
cu.m, 8%), Fujian (1.5 million cu.m, 7%), Anhui (1.33 cu.m, 6%), He¡¯nan
(1.31 million cu.m, 6%), Liaoning (1.27 million cu.m, 6%), Guangxi (1.11
million cu.m, 5%) and Hubei (0.79 million cu.m, 4%).
While national output is huge the quality of domestically made
particleboard is very variable and much of the output is of low quality.
As a result a large volume of particleboard is imported to meet domestic
demand quality panels. Particleboard imports in 2014 were 550,000 cu.m.
Local analysts say there are around 1,000 particleboard manufacturers
and about 14 large scale enterprises have an annual capacity of 200,000
cubic metres.
Golden waterway for trade ¨C new Artic shipping service
COSCO one of China¡¯s state owned shipping companies has announced it
will introduce regular shipping services via an Arctic route to Europe.
The company has tested the feasibility for this new route by twice
sailing a vessel through the north east passage.
This year a COSCO container vessel equipped for ice breaking took just
under a month to cover the sailing from Taicang Port to Rotterdam via
the Artic route.
This route results in a 30% saving on sailing time and a fuel saving
as the route is 2,800 nautical miles less than the route through the
Indian Ocean and Suez Canal. China¡¯s Xinhua News Agency reported that
Chinese experts hailed the route as a ¡°golden waterway¡± for trade.
New distribution networks for the timber industry
It has been reported that new opportunities for the timber sector will
be created by two national new development strategies, first the ¡®One
Belt, One Road¡¯ strategy and second the ¡®Yangtze River Economic Belt¡¯
Under these strategies two new international transport channels will be
opened, one the Eurasia International Railway (from Chongqing city to
Kazakhstan,, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany) and the second the
¡®Wuhan New Europe¡¯ channel (from Wuhan city to Kazakhstan, Russia,
Belarus and Poland).
Each channel will result in opportunities for international distribution
of wood products and it is expected that there will be investment in
forest plantations close to the railhead of these two new transport
system in the western provinces.
Wuhan municipal government is applying for authority to become a timber
importing port, distribution centre and a timber processing and
logistics zone for the China/Russia timber trade.
Trial production of formaldehyde free panels
Recently Guangxi Gaolin Co., Ltd of Gaofeng Forest Farm reported a
successful trial production of formaldehyde free panels becoming the
first enterprise in Southern China manufacturing formaldehyde free panel
with isocyanate resin - a non formaldehyde glue.
The physical and mechanical properties of formaldehyde free panel
produced by Gaolin Co., Ltd in cooperation with Bayer Material Science
and Technology Co., Ltd are said to be higher than the national standard
and the panels exhibit good technical properties. Because of this the
product has the potential to become strongly competitive in the market.
This development lays the foundation for the company to expand domestic
and foreign sales.
Dongguan furniture makers explore South African market
Dongguan city in Guangdong Province is well known as a furniture
manufacturing base. The city¡¯s furniture enterprises have opened a new
market in South Africa and the first shipment of 10 containers was
dispatched to South Africa on 13 October 2015.
Dongguan furniture enterprises have come together to create what they
call a ¡°Dongguan Q2Q mode¡± . This brings together enterprises with
various specialisations to provide a ¡®one-stop¡¯ center to service
This is an innovative approach to a supply chain management for the
furniture industry and has attracted a lot of attention from domestic
manufacturers. The scheme brings together scattered producers and
suppliers and results in reduce international logistic and warehousing
costs for the benefit of all involved enterprises.
