US Dollar Exchange Rates of
10th August 2015
China Yuan 6.3255
Report from China
Yuan devaluations reverberate through the timber
The devaluation of China‟s currency is reverberating
through the timber trade as exporters assess the prospects
of further cuts in buying by the Chinese timber sector. The
devaluation is also having a ripple effect on currencies in
emerging countries.
The devaluation in China follows on the heels of falling
industrial production, investment and retail sales and
disappointing export figures for July. The devaluation will
make China‟s exports that much more competitive but will
also increase the cost to Chinese importers of wood
products. Most analysts expect further devaluations.
PMI hovers around 50
In July 2015, China's manufacturing purchasing managers
index (PMI) stood at stood at 50.0 a slight drop on the
previous month. The PMI for all sized enterprises fell.

The PMI for large enterprises stayed just above the
negative threshold at 50. that of medium sized enterprises
was 50.0 and that of small-sized enterprises was in
negative territory at 46.9.
Among the five sub-indices comprising official PMI the
production and supplier delivery time indices were above
the negative threshold but the new orders, employed
person and main raw materials inventory indices were
below the negative threshold.
For more
Ash imports to resume
According to China‟s Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine Announcement No.143, 2015 imports of the
species of ash associated with a die-back disease
(Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus) can be resumed provided
the timber undergoes high temperature treatment.
Ash products must be accompanied by a plant quarantine
certificate issued by the exporting country and this must
provide details of treatment. Ash sawnwood from areas
where the die-back disease is not found must also be
accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate.
Designated regions and countries where ash die-back is
endemic are listed in the announcement No.156 in 2013
jointly issued by the quarantine office and the State
Forestry Administration.
Streamlining forestry administration
It has been reported that the State Council has recently
issue a notice „Cancellation of Non Administrative
Licensing Approvals‟. Through this administrative
procedures will be streamlined. Some 133 approval
processes will be adjusted or eliminated.
The following approval items will be abolished:
Technical scheme and measures for
America white moth entry
Sino Japanese non-governmental
cooperation project
Harvesting quotas in natural and
forests in natural forest protection regions
National ecological education base
International wetland certification
Import regulations on imported
animal and plant
species (CITES to take precedence)
The following regulations have been adjusted:
Annual quota for the construction
projects -
requisition or occupancy of forestry land
Planning of desert prevention and
Provincial planning registration of
Tianjin sandstorm source control projects
Forestry fixed assets investment
Planning of national level natural
regions managed by the forestry sector
National logo for commercial wood products
A national logo for commercial wood products has been
drafted by the Timber Saving Center and the China
Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association. The
new logo will come into use in November 2015.
Use of the new logo will help eliminate the manufacture
and sale of counterfeit/copied wood products, aid the
development of standardisation in the market and protect
consumer rights.
The logo will also further stimulate efforts at reducing the
waste, protecting the environment securing the health and
safety of consumers.
Padauk wholesale prices fall 60%
Many „redwood‟ furniture manufacturers have stopped
manufacturing because of weakening demand. Wholesale
prices of „redwood‟ logs have declined in recent weeks
falling by around 10%.
The steepest decline in price was seen for Myanmar
padauk for which log prices are down to around
RMB10,000 per tonne from the RMB30,000 a month ago.
Advantages of Guangxi province for plywood
manufacture and trade
During January to July the volume of plywood, MDF and
eucalyptus veneer exports through ports administered by
Guangxi province totalled 287,800 tonnes valued at
USD152 million, up 38% in volume and 7% in value over
the same period of last year.
Behind the rise in output and exports is that Guangxi
province has an advantage in terms of raw material
availability and an efficient transport system and efficient
port logistics.
Currently 113 mills mainly in Nanning, Guigang,
Wuzhou, Fangchenggang, Liuzhou, Yulin and Qinzhou
cities in the province produce plywood, MDF and
eucalyptus veneer.. These products are mainly exported to
Korea, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and India as well
as to Hong Kong Autonomous Region and Taiwan P.o.C
through Fangcheng, Guigang, Wuzhou and Qinzhou ports.