US Dollar Exchange Rates of
10th July 2015
China Yuan 6.2115
Report from China
Log shipments carrying pests
According to China¡¯s General Administration of Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine many pests have
been found in logs imported from the US.
This serves as a reminder to timber traders to ensure
treatment prior to shipment and to strengthen inspection
and quarantine of imported logs.
When pests are observed in shipment traders must inform
the authorities so that the pest can be identified and a
decision made on quarantine and treatment.
The Fujian Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has reported
finding pests such as Platypus parallelus, Xyleborus
ferrugineus, Agaone notabilis, Nyssodrysternum
signiferum, Odontocera molorchoides, Odontocera javieri,
Chlorida festiva, Cycnidolon batesanium and
Chrysobothris amabilis.
China¡¯s 2014 wood-based panel production
According to statistics from the State Forestry
Administration the total output of China¡¯s wood-based
panel industries in 2014 was 273.72 million cubic metres,
a year on year increase of 7%.
Of the total plywood output was 149.7 million cubic
metres, up 9% over 2013 and accounting for 55% of all
wood based panel output.
The output of fibreboard was reported at 64.63 million
cubic metres, similar to the level in 2013 (24% of total
output). The output of MDF was 56.83 million cubic
metres. The output of particleboard (8% of total output)
was 20.86 million cubic metres, up 11% over 2013. Of
the output of other wood-based panels blockboard
accounted for 62%.
The provinces with wood based panel output of more than
10 million cubic metres in 2014 were Shandong, Jiangsu,
Guangxi, Anhui, He¡¯nan, Hebei and Guangdong. The
output of these 7 provinces came to 210.73 million cubic
metres, around 75% total output.
Transformation of ¡®redwood¡¯ enterprises
Some of China¡¯s¡¯ redwood¡¯ enterprises have cut
production and are seeking alternative business
opportunities due to supply issues and the current
downturn in demand for ¡®redwood¡¯ products.
Analysts report that at least 100 ¡®redwood¡¯ processing
enterprises have switched their attention to other
businesses such as agriculture and livestock, transport and
logistics, e-commerce and other industrial ventures.
It is a positive characteristic of Chinese enterprises that
when market conditions deteriorate for one product they
have no inhibitions to redirect investment to other business
Imports through Shanghai Port in the first half of 2015
China¡¯s Customs has reported that timber imports through
Shanghai Port in the first half of 2015 amounted to 4.43
million cubic metres, a year on year decline of 47%.
Timber imports from North America, Africa and Russia,
accounted for about 70% of total timber imports through
Shanghai Port.
Timber imports from North America, Africa and Russia
fell by more than 50%. On the other hand imports from
Southeast Asia and South America were about the same
level as in the same period in 2014.
Imports from North America, Russia, Africa, South
America and Southeast Asia were 1.31 million cubic
metres, 1.04 million cubic metres, 0.88 million cubic
metres, 0.46 million cubic metres and 0.14 million cubic
metres respectively.
From Yiwu, Zhejiang province to Madrid in 21 days
China has successfully test-run an export shipment to
Spain by the new rail link that connects China directly to
Spain. This is said to be the longest rail link in the world
and is longer than the Trans-Siberian railway.
Some 40 containers left Yiwu in Eastern China and
completed the 13,000 km journey to Madrid in 21 days.
The rail link runs through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus,
Poland, Germany and France. Traders report that the rail
shipment cut almost 10 days from the time it would take
by ship.
The Zhejiang Governor, Li Qiang, was in Madrid to
welcome the shipment and said this new rail link
contributes to the government¡¯s strategy of developing a
21st century ¡®silk road¡¯.