US Dollar Exchange Rates of 28th
Apr 2011
China Yuan 6.5017
Report from China
International trade in wood products - first quarter of 2011
Due to the continued rapid growth of China¡¯s economy
and the gradual recovery of international demand, China¡¯s
imports and exports of wood products grew in first three
months of 2011.
Log imports
A total of 9.7 million cu. m of logs were imported in first
three months this year, valued at US$1,738.7 million, up
26.8 percent in volume and 36.4 percent in value over the
same period 2010.
Softwood log imports were 6.93 million cu. m, worth
US$1,006 million, there was a 34.7 percent increase in
volume and a 62 percent growth in value from the
previous year; hardwood log imports were 2.78 million cu.
m, worth US$732.5 million an increase of 10.5 percent in
volume and 12.0 percent in value from 2010.
Of the hardwood logs, 2.17 million cu. m were tropical
logs, valued at US$ 514.5 million, up 6.9 percent in
volume and 4.5 percent in value from the previous year.
The top ten suppliers of logs to China are shown below.

Sawnwood imports
China imported some 4.35 million cu. m of sawnwood in
the first three months of 2011 worth US$1,125.9 million
which corresponds to an increase of 55.0 percent in
volume and 62.9 percent in value over the same period of
Imports of sawnwood were mainly from North America,
Russia and Southeast Asian countries. The top five
suppliers of sawnwood to China were:
• Canada (1.41 million cu.m, worth US$285.8
million), up 45.5 percent in volume and 116.7
percent in value,
• Russia (1.19 million cu.m and US$ 252.9
million), up 61 percent and 72 percent
• USA (0.52 million cu.m and US$ 179.9 million),
up 104.9 percent and 93.5 percent respectively,
Thailand (0.3 million cu.m and US$ 107.4
million), down 2.5 percent in volume terms but
up 12.6 percent in terms of value
• and Indonesia (0.16 million cu.m at a cost of US$
46 million).
Plywood imports
A total of 44,800 cu.m of plywood was imported into
China in the first quarter of 2011; this was valued at
US$26.3 million up import volumes rose by 11 percent but
import values were up 20 percent from the same period
Wooden furniture exports
Some 62.5 million pieces of wooden furniture were
exported, at a value of US$3,579.3 million, up 14.6
percent in value terms over the same period 2010.
Special shaped wood (mouldings and some flooring types
etc) exports
A total of 84,500 metric tons of wood in this category
were exported in the first quarter this year, valued at
US$129.8 million, down 13.3 percent in volume and 12.3
percent in value.
Plywood exports
China exported 1.76 million cu. m of plywood in first
three months 2011, worth US$ 807.7 million, up 25.7
percent in volume and 24.3 percent in value. China¡¯s
plywood is exported to many parts of the world; the main
markets are shown below.
Sawnwood Exports
Around123,800 cu. m of sawnwood were exported in first
three months, valued at US$81.7 million, up 6.5 percent in
volume and 13.1 percent in value.
Flooring Sales
Flooring sales of almost 400 mil. square metres in 2010
According to statistics from Flooring Committee of the
Chinese Forest Product Industry Association, total sales of

wood flooring in 2010 in China amounted to 399 million
sq.m, up 9.6 percent from the previous year.

Of this total,
• laminate flooring was 238 million sq.m,
accounting for 59.6 percent of total sales, up 12.3
percent over 2009;
• solid wood flooring, 43 million sq.m, accounting
for 10.8 percent, up 2.4 percent;
• composite flooring, 89 million sq.m, accounting
for 22.3 percent, up 7.2 percent;
• bamboo flooring, 25.3 million sq.m, accounting
for 6.3 percent, up 1.2 percent;
• others, 3.2 million sq.m, accounting for 0.8
percent, up 45 percent.
